
摘 要



关键词:智慧党建;B/S 架构;信息化


Today's society has entered a new era of scientific and technological progress and rapid economic and social development. International information and academic exchanges have also been strengthened. The influence of computer technology on economic and social development and the improvement of people's lives has become increasingly prominent. The way of human existence and thinking has also changed. The traditional wisdom party construction management adopts the manual management method, but this management method has many drawbacks, such as low efficiency, low security and inaccurate information transmission, and at the same time because the management information system will form a large number of personal documents and information system data, The centralized management of intelligent party building information through manual methods will lead to troublesome management problems such as retrieval, modification and maintenance. Meanwhile, as the demand of the people for intelligent Party building management is also increasing, all levels need to continue to carry out brand new reforms to meet the needs of The Times. According to this problem, the development of a set of intelligent party building system can not only greatly improve the efficiency of information retrieval, change and maintenance, but also facilitate the management and application of information system, so as to reduce the cost of information management and improve efficiency.

The intelligent party building system adopts B/S architecture, Java language and Springboot framework for development. This system is mainly designed and completed the user login management process, personal information modification, management of party members, party branch management, party building news management, party building map management, party building learning management, learning experience management, party fee payment management, party building activities management, activity registration management, questionnaire management, questionnaire answer management, democratic voting management, voting information management, question management , learning test management, system management, examination management and other functions for management. The system is simple in operation and interface design. It can not only basically meet the current routine management of smart party building management, but also effectively reduce the cost of personnel and time, and provide convenience for smart Party building management.

Key words: intelligent Party building; B/S architecture; informatization 

目 录

1 概 述 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 课题研究意义 1

1.3 课题研究内容 2

2 系统开发环境及相关技术 3

2.1 系统开发环境 3

2.2 系统开发技术 3

2.2.1 Java技术 3

2.2.2 SpringBoot框架 4

2.2.3 MySQL数据库 4

2.2.4 B/S结构 4

3 系统需求分析 6

2.1 可行性分析 6

3.2 功能需求分析 7

3.3 系统流程分析 8

3.3.1 登录流程 8

3.3.2 添加信息流程 8

3.3.3 修改信息流程 9

4 系统设计 10

4.1 功能模块设计 10

4.2 系统数据库设计 11

4.2.1 数据库系统 11

4.2.2 数据库概念设计 11

4.2.3 数据表设计 13

4.2.4 数据表的建立 13

5 系统实现 25

5.1系统功能实现 25

5.2后台模块实现 29

5.2.1管理员模块实现 29

5.2.2党员模块实现 35

5.2.3党支部模块实现 35

6 系统测试 37

6.1软件测试过程 37

6.2测试用例 38

结 论 39

致 谢 40

参 考 文 献 41

(1) 质。

1.3 课题研究内容


(1) 系统管理员主要对个人中心、党员管理、党支部管理、党建要闻管理、党建地图管理、党建学习管理、学习心得管理、党费缴纳管理、党建活动管理、活动报名管理、问卷调查管理、问卷回答管理、民主投票管理、投票信息管理、试题管理、学习测试管理、系统管理、考试管理等功能进行管理。

(2) 党支部主要对个人中心、党员管理、党费缴纳管理、党建活动管理、活动报名管理等功能进行管理。

(3) 党员主要对个人中心、学习心得管理、党费缴纳管理、活动报名管理、问卷回答管理、投票信息管理等功能进行管理。


